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About Me

I love Jesus & I sing songs. 


My Life Goal: The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

"Genavieve's vocals are
like raindrops from heaven to earth"

                                                             - Anonymous

My Sister Corinn's Story

On February 13th, 2019, I woke up to my worst nightmare- a police officer knocking at my door to tell me that Corinn had gotten in a severe car crash only a couple miles from home. From that moment on, God began a journey to teach me lessons that only suffering can teach in a way that I would never ever in my life ask to be done. There is so much to be said of what has happened since that day; so I encourage you, if you have around 20 minutes of your time free, please watch this video that a dear friend of ours, Evan Thompson from Sapphire 7 Studios, put together that covers both the tragedy and the beauty of the story.

God has used this tragedy to do what He has given me the desire to do with all of my life- to give Him glory! I pray that God will use my testimony to get you to the point of complete surrender to Jesus and His will for your life.  May we all live to bring Him all the Glory He deserves.  

“For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.”
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